Naughty Step

With Samantha leaving on the morning Meggabus, slightly delayed after taking off a vans wing mirror, Clare and I settled back to ‘empty nest’ mode.
Then Joshua phoned, he has the opportunity to use a couple of days leave, “I’ll be home Tuesday night”, this was followed by “alright if I bring a mate?”. Of course it’s great to bring mates who cannot travel home for a break and this friend, Pujan, is definitely a long way from home, he is a Ghurka!
Clare and I settled on ‘A Star Is Born’ for our Monday Movie, the new Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga one. We both thoroughly enjoyed it.
Movies are made to entertain and every now and then one comes along that both entertains and moves you.
Today’s photo shows a single seat at the front of the cinema, Sam always says that as her mother is annoying at the cinema and should sit on her own!!

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