Choose Joy

By Energia


I walked in the park, watching the light filter through the trees, and realized I was listening to dramatic music, and not from an internal soundtrack. The marching band at the high school was playing. 

I saw a man pedal by with his dog in his orange backpack.

Then I saw deer, really close, and I just happened to have my Moment telephoto lens on my camera. 

Unfortunately, every picture is noisy. Makes you wish for the new iphone XS even though your 7+ works just fine...

The extra is from Maras salt evaporative pools. They are near Cusco, Peru in the Sacred Valley. Before the Incas took over people here diverted a salty stream into all these pools where the water evaporated, leaving salt with minerals. It is managed by a community cooperative. It is now a reasonable tourist attraction and the salt has become famous because a chef in Lima said it was the only salt he used. 

Still going to Haiti on Sunday. We were going to Cap-Haitien on Thursday, at the end of the trip, which would have made it ridiculously easy for me to take an extra day or day and enjoy but now we are going on Monday and returning to Port-au-Prince the same day. I do, however, have a friend in Haiti that I will hopefully get to see for a meal. Otherwise it will be all business. 

I don't speak French. I don't understand French. I once saw the Congressional Representative for DC, Eleanor Holmes Norton, at a Chinese Festival. Political speeches were given in Chinese and she sat there and did not look bored. I will try to do the same. 

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