Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Mixed Metaphors

No internet all Sat night - so I had to wait until Sunday morning to post this....Weegie household was devasted! What No internet!!!? Tried to phone ISP but need internet to get phone number...oops.

No 3 had a wee friend round to play after dancing class. We were going to go out but they wanted to dress up and stay at home. I took No 1 and No 2 to look at the shops - where they kindly pointed out all the nice expensive make-upy things they want from Santa. Thankfully back at base camp No 3 has discovered her Sylvanian Families - nice to have one kid who still wants to be a kid?

Later big girls headed to movies to watch latest vampire blockbuster! Gnash!

Here's No 3. She was dressed in a Rapunzel ress and wig but playing a Santa game using a pillow case for a sack.

Not sure how the real Santa would cope with chimneys and all those Tangles!

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