Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Blue Jay

I've seen almost nothing of "my" birds this summer, ever since I had to completely stop feeding them in order to keep from having bears. So I've been pleased recently to see that the blue jays that presumably nest elsewhere, but return here for the Winter, are starting to show up and demand the peanuts they expect from me. Accordingly, I have tentatively put out a couple of small feeders in an effort to start inching into the winter routine. I was pleased when this one came to the feeder this morning. I was also glad to see a red-bellied woodpecker pay a quick visit as well.

Of course, I can't really go full out yet, because the bears are still active and will be until it gets more consistently cold. Also next week - next week! Wednesday! - I'm going to Ecuador for another birding trip - and The Husband won't put out bird feeders. So I don't want to overdo at this point. No use causing disappointment!

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