With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Typically Deia

If you have an orange car, where else would you park it but under an orange tree?

We had an early start to get to Arenal for Agu's first ever race, 500m. There was a lovely park all set out for the various age groups with tape and an inflatable finish line. After discussing tactics, he got just the right anount of nerves. He and the other boys from Soller were a bit stuck right at the back of the group at the start line. He did a fantastic job to get through the crowd without falling over various bodies (!), swung round a tree and then when he could see the field ahead, was off like a gazelle. A good sprint at the end too. He came 15th out of about 60 which was brilliant, the first of the Soller boys and I bet next time he'll do even better now he has some race experience.

We drove back through Valldemossa for me to take some pictures, take in the market and a little bit of shopping. Then we took the coast road to Deia, ran up the hill a bit, ate some of the oranges from this tree, poked around the chapel and back home. A long, lovely day full of colour. I have a lot of processing and sorting to do now somehow. I'm hoping this cold that is flirting with my head stays away. Where's the Vitamin C? Oh yes...

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