Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Riding lesson

Maizie the horse couldn't feel Eva's little legs!

Not the best of days. Took lime out but he didn't feel right. He was very wound up before I got on at the yard, calling to Spring over the road. I went with Jenny and Jason and he was being silly and competitive and wanting to jog to be in front but felt really stiff. We had to get on the side for a van on a singletrack Rd but he didn't want to stand so he started prancing about and stumbled and then felt very lame. Jenny was meeting her other half on his bike so I said I'd get off and walk back across the fields.

As we got near the fields we saw another horse and rider having a canter. This fueled lime to be even more excited. She crossed the bridleway and went into the next field. She had seen me walking and seemed to think about stopping to see if I was ok but then carried on. Lime was intent on staying with her. As we got to the 3rd field where you can have good long canter I realised she was going to have a blast up the field so I had to shout after her to please walk. Lime was spinning round me, all frothed up. Luckily she did wait and I asked her to walk with me (still puzzled as to why she wouldn't check whether I needed help when she first saw me?!). He says a complete nightmare. Could barely hold onto him so I decided to get back on as we were getting nearer home. He didn't want to stand still for that either but I managed in the end. He felt terriblea definitely lame on his off fore.

Got back to the village and was going to get off again and lead the last bit but Lime had other ideas and decided to jog on but now didn't feel lame. Don't know what to think!! Going to monitor for a few days the have vet if doesn't resolve.

Had a very rushed lunchtime walk to do as one of our employees needed to take time off for personal reasons. No idea how long she will need so it's very difficult to plan cover. Another employee will be off next week due to an operation and we can't manage without 2 so it's going to be very awkward and giving me sleepless nights.

Eva had her riding lesson. Then after dinner and bedtime I had to do the food shop. Didn't get home till 10. Knackered.

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