Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

Finally Found!!

I have had my flat turned upside down numerous times over the past few months looking for my driving licence card & had just accepted the fact that it was lost forever.

Tonight I decided to dig out our important documents box which hasn't been touched since we moved in and... Out fell my licence from K's car insurance documents - bizzare!!!

I'm having a quiet night watching tv, sorting out papers and putting stuff on eBay. X Factor is currently on. James Arthur is my favourite, really liked his performances last night and the duet with Nicole shown on the xtra factor (heehee). I really liked Ella too but she left last week. I don't usually get into this type of tv but since breaking my leg a lot of my habbits have changed... To be a bit controversial I would prefer Chris to go - I personally find him whiney, and a bit creepy!

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