Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

An Early Christmas

I had one of the best days today - it was like an early Christmas present!

V. & A. were over visiting from Dubai so K. & I met them, A., N., & J., for a lovely long lunch... and finally rolled home around 9pm.

After lunch we headed into the Dome to look at their Christmas decorations and us girls had our Christmas group shot taken in amongst the sumptuous decorations before taking our chances of being knocked out by the fast moving revolving door to head next door for cocktails.

This is a photo of one of my strawberry daiquiri's - yum yum!

V. ordered a 'treacle' which came with an optional shot of liquor and a side of apple juice. She chose amaretto and we have renamed it (minus the apple juice) 'battenberg in a glass'.

Was such a great day but also really sad that they are heading off again on Sunday, but will just have to plan another amazing day/night out for their next visit!

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