Family Dog

By Family_Dog

everybody heard, about the bird?

10 points to you if you can spot the object that doesn't belong here....I'll give you a clue, it's a bird.

Ida the Terrible is taking her toll, I'll tell ya that for nowt. Every SINGLE night She's on the rampage for at least an hour in the middle of the night where she shouts the house down, terrifies the bejabbers out of Arlo and won't settle down till she's had 800 renditions of 'Ally Bally Bee', a bottle, a shot of pre-emptive Calpol and at least 15 minutes of cuddling Mummy. Always has to be Mummy. Daddy's not cutting it at the moment.

After that we can expect 1 or 2 visits from Arlo and then Ida wakes up at 5.30 for the day. This new regime is causing HAVOC on the sense of humour, that's for sure.

So, despite this HIDEOUS stage that we're in and being proper zonked / grumpy / conversation vacuums we managed to have a really lovely weekend. Yesterday we got a much needed break from the kids and did a bit of shopping for presents and had a quick bite to eat before whacking the kids in bed and watching the first 2 episodes of The Killing III (you watching it? OHMYGODIT'SSOEXCITINGINNIT?GONNAWATCHTHENEXT2TONIGHT!).

After much night time antics (and I'm not talking the ones with sexy results) we had a very early morning start, followed by a trip to the Museum (which is wAbi's choicehere today's pic was taken), back home for some film watching, newspaper reading, a pizza party and then we had a liWe did a tunes session where ld always be like thesh to be fair, where we all picked a tune in turn. It was PUMPIN!.

1) Abi's choice
2) Bry's choice
3) Arlo's 1st choice (Ida went absolutely BONKERS MAD INSANE when this song came on, she was very, very, very angry about it. I thought I'd add that in for my Mum who catagorically detests the White Stripes. She'll be delighted.
4) Abi's choice for Ida - first time I've played this version to the kids. Went off like a bomb. Ida is most definitely a punk. With a capital P.
5) Arlo's 2nd choice
6) Jointly chosen wind down tune

They both went mental when it all ended though. It was not a happy scene. I especially liked the bit where Arlo stamped his feet and jumped up and down and shouted 'JUST ONE MORE TUNE, MUMMY PLEASE!' - he's so like his parents.

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