Family Dog

By Family_Dog

A whole bunch of trouble

When I was pregnant with Arlo we found out what we were having (and didn't tell another soul). Even though it was an accident that we found out (long story) I am glad that I did because I fear I may have had a little bit of irrational disappointment that I wasn't having a girl.

Obviously when you have your baby in your arms, you could happily go back and slap Pregnant You for all these ludicrous notions you harboured but at the time these things REALLY REALLY REALLY, LIKE, REALLY matter.

So, when I was duffed up with Ida we didn't find out what we were having. At times the not knowing nearly killed me (and I wonder where Arlo gets his drama from?!). I shoved all notions that it could be a girl to the back of my head because I honestly, honestly, honestly believed it was a boy. So did Bry. We actually whooped when we were told it was a girl because we were so shocked.

It's really only been the last little while that Ida's started becoming a girl. Up till now she's just been a monster vaguely in the same shape & size as her brother was (only more independent. As in 'amma-gonna-grab-that-spoon-offayou-and-ram-it-in-your-eye-if-you-try-to-feed-me-one-more-time-gottit-mama?' type independence.

Now that we're definitely at the gates of Girl Land (I am a bit scared to go through them to be honest. We're quite comfy in boy land. Dinosaurs, superheroes, lots of special effects noises to simulate speed and bombs etc. etc. etc) I am embracing the 3 things that made me really, really excited about the possibility of having a girl:

1) Stripey tights. The more bonkers the better. But not PINK right?
2) Colourful wellies.
3) Bunches.

BUNCHES! I managed to shove a couple of bunches on Ida's head today and it was like I'd ramped up her mischief levels by another 50%. I don't know what would happen if I put bunches on her AT THE SAME time as she was wearing stripey tights and colourful wellies, but I do think the world might just implode.

Might give it a go though...the possibilities are endless...

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