An Orkney Interior

Right, that's enough. With the Creel HQ anemometer showing a minimum wind speed of 43 mph over the last 5 days (thankfully however with a max of only 68 mph) this morning's Radio Orkney forecast says the wind will rise during the weekend. It will also veer to be 'more northerly' and bring hail showers and thunder. Therefore I'm no surprised to sit here and watch the summer's deckchairs, buckets and spades, plastic pint glasses, cruise liner lost luggage, Mrs Heddle, blow hurriedly past the window. And there goes an inflatable Thora Hird.

Despite the crowd funded appeal to stop the "...never ending string of asinine mindless pap* ..." of Blips emanating from Creel HQ, I feel I must persist.

Therefore today's image didn't even involve leaving the porch. If any unlucky Blipper can guess what this is I will come and ensure I hand in my Fox Talbot Calotype Deluxe° to your nearest police Station.

So today I will be ascertaining what part Roy Babbington played in Nucleus. What Gilgamesh is available. Whit like the new 12yr old Ben Riach is.

*Carol Ann Duffy
°Adrian Henri used this process to record
his tax returns as part of his National Acrylic Painters' Association contract.

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