Creative Family Workshop

I was asked to take photos of the workshop by Nellie of the Woods and what a great time I and others had! The morning session was making wax wraps for food, no more plastic or clingfilm! The woman leading the session a self styled and self named Earthmother (!) , made a vegan version off these wraps, using candelilla wax made from Euphorbia Antisyphilitica. Also in the melting pot went pine resin powder and coconut oil. This was then brushed over cotton fabric, placed in a hot oven to melt and soak into the fabric, then put on an airer to cool - and voila! Food wraps! The workshop was funded by money from previous events run by Nellie of the Woods and only a donation was asked for from attendees! The session ran for three hours and there was a constant queue to make them! There were yummy cakes, tea, coffee and then lunch before the afternoon session of making polymer clay tiles - mostly for the children on half term holiday! 
The usual people were there - Homeopathic Girl, Vegan Jo, Stylish Barbie who had the brain aneurism and now has a shunt. I had seen her just the other week at Party Girls breakfast birthday, and had another longer chat with her. She said since the aneurism she is now much more laid back about getting things done but her husband is still focused on doing things, so she was in the middle of smoothing a newly plastered kitchen wall! White powder everywhere! Also there was Brummie Girl who I haven't seen for quite a while on the allotment. We had a good catch up and I had a tour of her new house! She is still waiting for her partner to move down from Birmingham - his house has been sold but 14 weeks on he is still waiting for completion! 
Oscar had walks in-between the photography, making of the wraps and visiting! He got to play with Vegan Jo's dog Kess, which was really funny as Kess was just obsessed as usual chasing a stick, and Oscar went into round up mode, doing a wide circle round him every time he ran like a bullet straight to the stick! 
I finally left at 3 and got home to discover I'd left my camera bag in the hall! So back down I went - which was ok as I bought myself a blueberry ice-cream from the fab Ice-Cream parlour! 
Once home I compared the wraps to the ones I'd bought made of beeswax - they are softer and thicker - maybe more coconut oil was needed to soften them? But I'd used one to wrap a slice of the delicious apple and raison cake Nellie had made and they work well enough! Photos of the whole event are here if you want to see how it was done!

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