Dancing in the moonlight.

3year 34days

.....well, the not quite sunlight at least.

Katie woke at 430 am this morning saying "is ballet class open yet". I told her ballet wouldnt be open until after it was light. It was barely light when she wanted to go out and twirl and spin.

She had a brilliant time in class, although she got really frustrated with herself when they were doing hopping as she insisted she couldnt do it. But then did.

After ballet, she went to play for the afternoon with her friend Lydia. She had a great time, playing out on bikes, making sweets, putting on shows. I barely managed to keep her awake afterwards - just long enough to get to the swimming pool for her class. Her swimtots teacher was back off her sick leave to do some observations which was great as she stuck up for us saying that Katie was in the wrong preschool class. So she starts next week in the next level with one of her friends from toddler class. She still had fun in her lesson this week, it was a different teacher and Katie clicked well with her. A great end to a busy day!

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