Lupin Light

An EOD  (End Of Day) walk with The Boss doing "stuff" all day except for his coffee meet.
At one time there were 5 computing thingies, counting his iPhone on his desk as he was setting up some new stuff for The Bossess to carry in her handbag...It was a MacBook...Yep a handbag Mac....What would Steve had to say about that! Oh and its sorta pink.....Wait wait..OK Rose Gold then which is sorta p....
He actually took a pic of the 3 amigos and our lot mixed up in the tech but thought that you had probably had enough of all that so shot a Lupin instead. AND he had run out of extras too and couldn't be bothered to go delete some old ones.
OH and some kind person has mowed the grass outside our apartment building which is a Verge...which no one owns so no one mows...sorta.
Dogs have wonderful uncomplicated lives.....

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