"The north wind will blow and we will have snow...
...and what will poor robin do then, poor thing?"
Dear Diary,
I don't know why that old English nursery rhyme popped into my head this morning, no snow in sight here and the north wind has finally calmed down. But it is very odd to find a robin in Auntie's tree gathering the tiny fruit. Can't say I've ever seen that. Mr. Robin was in front as well, harvesting the berries in the bush there. It is why I planted them, for the birds and squirrels.
My yard is jam packed with birds right now. Flocks of robins and jays, juncos and sparrows and of course our dear little chickadees. I am off today to buy new bird feeders. Our suddenly cold weather is making them extra hungry. Gaylord will have to content himself with the seed bowls on the feeding table, poor thing!
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