
By AnnieBScotland

wet or dry

routine day, went to Tesco but didn't buy flowers, this is a close up of a small flower that was on a stem in the bunch Katie was given, and which are pretty much on their last legs. tried it wet, but as it is very similar to biker bear's and hers is wet, thought I'd better do mine dry or I might get into trouble for copying!! only joking - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

I did take a photo of a neighbour's very large bird table, and all it had on it was... a whole apple!! what size bird are they expecting?? but it wasn't a great pic, so I'll leave you to imagine it!!

meeting tonight, but at least I don't have to take any minutes, though I will probably have to chair it, as the real Chairman is sick. might need a glass of wine in the hotel bar afterwards...

got my 10 pics decided for the OU course final assessment. just have to write up 600 words, make a slideshow, zip them all together and send them off! in other words, am on the home straight. am aiming to be done by thursday and have booked myself an indian head massage in the afternoon to celebrate!! I know how to live...

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