I Got One!

We put peanuts out on the railing for the blue jays. Some of them come before we can even get back in the door. Others hesitate if they can see anything close to a human shadow.

The funny thing is, or maybe it's just natural, but most of the time the jays will hide the peanut somewhere in the yard or on the other side of the fence and then come back for more. They surely don't have time to eat them in the few seconds they are gone. Do you think they can remember where they hide all those peanuts, or do they just go searching in the leaves when they get hungry?

In the past we had a one-legged jay that would take peanuts out of our hand. He's been gone for many years now, but I'm always hopeful that another one might be trained to do the same. However, it probably won't be this one. There was the slightest second he hesitated on the railing, just long enough for a "click" while he was deciding if he would go right or left, but he was definitely not hanging out for long.

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