
By Hillyblips

There's Always One!

'Why do they always put the gate in the muddiest part of the field?' (oldie but goodie) I thought as I dropped with a splodge into the sea of mud and splished and sucked in my wellies slowly over to the herd.

Having been told my photographs today were boring I thought I had better go out maybe to find something else - more flood pictures perhaps as Tewkesbury was on Sky news tonight with all the water scenario going on. The day was drawing in on a grey and dismal day along with the light too, so a bit unhappy about finding anything at all. However drove past a gate, saw the cows munching on some hay, thought 'brilliant' and did a quick u-ey!

Looking over the gate with the camera was no good; they were not interested so there was only one thing for it - get in there! Fractionally wary going into a field of pregnant cows and a few young bulls - (why did they nearly all have horns too?) I just stood slurping and squishing in the mud with a quick escape route planned - though it would not have been as quick as all that in the event of them taking a dislike to me.

I felt this lady had a bit of a straw hat thing going on which she didn't seem to mind at all; she just peered from underneath in a bemused sort of way - made me smile!

My boring blip of Starlings which I personally liked because of the way they sat on the branches a bit like leaves.

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