
By bananablip


I appreciate that it's not everyone's preferred way to relax but I have had the most joyous half term day today doing all those jobs that I've been putting off during term time and generally pottering around. Defrosted the freezer and cleaned the fridge, took down the tomatoes and started to get the garden ready for winter and touched up some painting around the house because the builders paint marks if you so much as breathe on it. And, joy of all joys, I did some recipe planning for this week and the food shop that ensued.

It was gloriously sunny this afternoon so I took myself out for a walk around the neighbourhood. I tried to take a short cut through Gains Park (not a park, but a housing estate) and I legitimately got lost for about half an hour and eventually had to resort to google maps. It's such a maze that I was left wondering a) how the jiff do you ever direct people to your house if you live there b) how many people have never actually come out of there alive?

I rewarded my successful escape with pan fried sea bass with an Asian inspired carrot and cucumber salad.

I love the holidays.

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