Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

What's on the computer today?

What a horrible day it's been here.  Very cold and lots of rain.  My steps counter says I've done all of 1337 which is no-where close to my daily - and nearly always achieved - target of 6000.  I try to keep Monday to Thursday as no alcohol nights but tonight I'm giving in to temptation.  I may even have a Snicker's Bar too.  

My planned trip to Newcastle was cancelled because of the weather and I decided to do more work on one of my travel books.  Unfortunately, looking at all the sunny Mediterranean photos made me feel even more dejected so I put that away and started to watch a dreadful 'Armageddon Season' film on Movies for Men.  Ten minutes into that I fell asleep for a short while, came back into the office and watch the U tube clips of Russian drivers crashing into each other.  Never ever go there if you are a nervous passenger!  

MrsDB made Christmas cakes.

BTW. If anyone notices that the cursor on my screen is highlighting the use of the awful 'Flash' font let me assure you I am not.  It is an offence second only to sheep stealing.  A curse upon it.

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