Tiny's Day

WOW...The Boss said this morning while we were on the bus to go staggering that the day was mine.
He was feeling particularly generous as a nice young lady sitting next to him had struck up a chat having noticed me on his pak and later said this was the "B Magnet" effect but did not elaborate so here I am pressing the button so we could get off the bus early and walk to Churton Park as the bus schedule gets us there a tad early. It was a great day and as often happens the weather report was completely wrong and the sun shone and everyone was taking items of clothing off. Except me.  We met a bloke today who knew what an "SSD" was and was suitable surprised when The Boss corrected him with "Small Stuffed Dog" rather than the techie thing he was mentioning.  Then disaster struck as The Boss chucked his pak in the trunk of a  friends car and I found myself sharing.....see extra 1. This is really NOT good enough. 
My adventure sorta ended while we were walking back and passed Te Papa, N.Z's National Museum and found extra 2 which was bright, yellow AND fully electric. The Boss wanted a drive but they wouldn't let me in...A no dogs policy...Sigh....

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