
By LifeLines


A day of gentle sunshine and warmth.  The light was clear as I walked Merlin this morning, the skylarks still singing high in the sky even this late in the year.  The thistles are now brown and the rose hips glow orange and red.  

These vines grow on an old mill house in the village.  I thought the dappled light on them really accentuated the autumn colours in the leaves and fruit, and the interesting shapes of the leaves.

Many thanks for all your kind wishes for Andy's speedy recovery.  I can report he is doing well, brighter today than yesterday, and managing to get up and walk around the house and eat some meals with me.  I'm working from home this week whilst I look after him (and Merlin).  It is such a treat to be able to spend more time with them and to be able to walk the dog and appreciate the autumn countryside around us.  I feel much less stressed and more focussed on the work I am doing.

Wishing you all a peaceful evening.

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