The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Frosty start

I woke up this morning and immediately knew things were different. No rushing to get to nursery! Still, I was up and dressed by just after half eight, and chopping up fruit to make a Polish dried fruit soup. It smells like Christmas. Yum.

I kept myself busy with bits and pieces all morning: so much catching up to do, especially with my greetings card business. Before I knew it, I had to rush off to the school to pick up my new charges.

I should explain that Stroud is extremely hilly. Five valleys meet in the basin at the bottom.of town, but many journeys involve haring up hills to get into another valley. This it was with the journey to school. But I managed it in 25 minutes! Some record, that. The children and I then walked down the hill towards the town centre, along the towpath, and up another whacking great hill to reach their father's house just over the other side.

Pumpkin carving, making tea, costumes and Halloween make-up followed. When the kids' dad came back, I scarpered over the hill and back to my valley, to pick up the Polish fruit soup.

There followed a Polish food and film- themed evening. The food was excellent, and so was the film, Ida, but unfortunately I fell asleep during the most important part! Still, I did gather from the discussion afterwards what had happened. The director, Pawel Pawlikoswki, has a new film on current release..

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