
By NellieD

Mr Darcy Loses the Plot

Not the best photo in the world but I suddenly realised I hadn't taken a photo and the show was about to start.

Lip Service Theatre is the most bonkers, daft, two-woman theatre group you could ever watch, and I've seen them 4 times now. The first time I posted the event in the diary for book club I apologised, telling everyone that it looked like a very acquired sense of humour and it could either be amazing, or absolutely awful. Fortunately, we laughed from the moment they stepped onto the stage. Sometimes it was just a look they gave and you didn't even know what you were laughing at!

As Jane Austen writes her famous story, Mr Darcy decides he's had enough and jumps into Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca instead.

The show was a complete sell out as it was being performed at the Adelphi Theatre in Salford University and 150 drama students were in the audience. I felt very old!!

Here's the daft trailer if you're interested.

All the set is made by quilting groups from across the country and they had made some amazing backdrops. 

Outside the University was the huge word 'ambition' as you can see in my extra. The thing I liked the most was the sign next to it which said "Climb at your own risk. The trick is to go up the career ladder; not the word".

Quote for today:
Never turn down your ambition because someone is uncomfortable with the volume.
- Joubert Botha

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