All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Harajuku Lovers

It was another baltic day in Edinburgh again today. It was snowing quite heavily in the morning but although it had stopped by lunchtime it was still too cold for me to want to hang around outside taking pictures. So it was a brisk over to the shops and back for me, before settling back down to work again in the office.

I decided yesterday to treat myself to a new perfume so that's the image you see in todays blip. I'm not normally a fan of celebrity perfumes, but I am rather smitten with this one by Gwen Stefani.. There are 5 perfumes in the range so I spent ages in Boots spraying testers before opting for the "Love" fragrance. I can see myself buying more from the collection in the near future though (despite my husband rolling his eyes when he saw this one, as I've got tons of different fragrances already in our bathroom)!

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