More Back Porch Visitors

Dear Diary,

I was in the kitchen when I heard a big thump and bang on the back porch and I thought, "That's not the squirrels".  I was right, at least partially.  It was Tootsie being attacked by Gaylord!  She beat a hasty and somewhat disgusted retreat but stayed close enough for me to get a quick photo of her.  The back porch has become action central lately.

It looks like our three days of, at times, torrential cold rain is over and we may actually have a sunny day today!  Hooray!  A sunny Sunday, what a treat even if it will be dark at 5pm...I'll take it.  It is also a day of no hunting, Maine doesn't allow Sunday hunting.  Peace in the woods.  I'm not a fan of deer hunting, as you can imagine.  So, all around, a great day!

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