Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


An interesting visitation from my landlord, during which his preferred electrical contractor tried to convince each of us that we were both mistaken when we agreed with one another that the cold taps in the bathroom are temperamental. I mean really! If a light works sometimes but not always, and a plumber were to walk in and the light worked for him, would it even cross his mind to contradict other witnesses and give the electrical circuitry a clean bill of health? I don't think so!
I shall make sure to take my bicycle to the baker's for its next service - you don't catch me out that easily! Ho no!
Arrogant Muppet!

And then I took my camera for a lengthy walk around Chatham to admire the architecture and visit the park, both of which I have been itching to do ever since I moved in. The day was grey and so the light did not show off brickwork to its best advantage, so it's good that there are other styles to enjoy as well. The park came as such a surprise! It is not a park actually, it is Victoria Gardens and it is a scenic view-point-cum-strolling route, complete with bandstand, war memorial and views which transported me straight back to Thessaloniki. It really isn't difficult to imagine fine Victorian women dressed in bustles strolling along the path, arms linked with their beaus.

I took 46 photos! An enormous amount for me, and those I don't show you today I shall keep to remind me of locations to revisit when the light is better.

Edited to add; Aha! Yay! I have finally attained the coveted 400-in-a-row award, and that means I shall never again have to impose a 2nd-hand car dealership at night-time on any of you lovely people. If I haven't an image worth sharing or news worth imparting I won't share them :-)

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