Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


A very cold morning. Wasn't expecting any ice, as the temperature was above 0. However, it was coldenough for a ground frost, and where the ground had not dried up from yesterday's rain and a tad slippery enough to make the wheel skid on corners, or spin if I was travelling in a straight line. Interesting.

Still cold at lunchtime, but the ice had gone. Nice blue skies, but the occasional cloud made its appearance as soon as I decided to take a photo. Shooting this photo of a finch, probably a female chaffinch judging by the white stripes on the wings, was a tad testing. A bit of processing in Lightroom did the trick though.

A nice ride home for a Friday, and a good way to start the weekend. Surprisingly quiet on the roads. Nice to get home and sit down with a cup of coffee and watch Pointless.

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