Sunday: Toronto City Hall

Well, despite my bleating on about clock changes yesterday I did manage to confuse myself by resetting a clock that actually reset itself automatically, so I was still an hour out this morning. It used to be so much easier when everything had to be done by hand......

I had to work for a couple of hours this morning. I'm giving a speech when I get back and had pretty much written it all up. But, come Friday, the whole thing suddenly disappeared! I've no idea what happened but at least I had the bones of it in my head. I spent a couple of hours trying to recreate it and will finesse it during the week,

I took myself out for a long walk this afternoon, I really do love city walking...and can do it for miles. I walked to Kensignton Market which is nicely bohemian and from there to the CN tower. Wandered back to the hotel through the city and past city hall. I like the diversity and older feel of Toronto - it's definitely a much bigger city than Vancouver.

I had a work dinner to attend this evening. It was a CEO dinner ahead of a conference I'm attending tomorrow. Out of the 100 in the room, it seems there were about 8 women.......we still have an awful long way to go.

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