
Sister arrived early this morning as it was Stitchfest at Totnes! She had a cup of coffee then we set off over Dartmoor. What an absolutely beautiful drive it was - the moors were so colourful and we saw sheep, cows and a whole load of ponies racing across the road! 
After doing the two locations of the stitchfest where I bought a pattern for a cowl and earrings for her as a xmas present, we had lunch sitting outside one of the many cafes, then a wander round the shops. Sister has not been to Totnes when the shops have been open so it was good to show her the eclectic range of them! We both bought things in an antique shop - a brooch for her and a pair of Art Deco looking earrings which turned out to be by Zandra Rhodes! There was a lovely card and paper shop where  I bought a wonderful advent calendar, I seem to have bought advent calendars for quite a few people this year! We then headed back to the Stitchfest where she bought some wool and I bought the wool to do my cowl! Then down to the haberdashery shop to buy needles for me and some beads for her! We also bought some pain au chocolat for breakfast and a smoked haddock pasty for me as I'd not eaten much for lunch! The soup I ordered had been too spicy! Then it was  home to  collect Oscar from The Exile and settle in with a fire for an evening of Strictly!
I had meant to stop and take photos on the journey back but the rain had set in - the moors still looked beautiful their mistiness though! There are a few of Totnes here, and one of a very dapper looking gentleman! I loved this little teddy on wheels so he had to be my blip!

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