Higglety Pigglety Sannick

A fairly calm day, but seemed to rain most of the day.  A breeze picked up tonight, and drier.  

I've been working at the museum, and the museum has been closed.  A strange feeling in the building today, as it was announced that the Hay's Dock cafe is now closed for the foreseeable future.  I kept myself busy with photos, and also I had to set up for an event for tomorrow.  I dashed off to work in the pub after tea.  Shame I wasn't home for poor Sammy, this bloody fireworks terrify him!  I finished at 9pm, and he's starting to finally calm an hour later, and that was with sedatives.

It was pouring down at lunchtime, so I headed down the road for a run, raining there too!  No walk this lunchtime.  So a quick view over the higglety pigglety houses at Sannick, Sandwick.  

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