
A cold day, some showers this morning, with a brighter afternoon.  A lovely clear still night.

Once again, another morning around the house.  Walkies with Sammy, and then odd jobs, like cleaning lampshades.  Headed out in the afternoon, and popped by cousin Leona and the bairns.  Been to a squad meeting this evening, Up Helly Aa season isn't far away now!  Plenty of fireworks tonight, a good night for it, poor Sammy just hates them.  His new thunder jacket seems to be working.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Before I headed to see Leona, me and Sammy hiked over the hills, although we lost the best of the light.  A lovely spot here with old houses and farm buildings, and rich in history.  Looking to Lunna House, which was used as a naval base in WWII, for the Shetland Bus.  Loch of Northgrind in foreground.  

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