The Palace of Justice

A long shot as I was leaving the flat's garden of the Palazzo di Giustizia in Florence. Rain and low cloud moving around.

Finally did some burning after the long dry summer. But it was a tad on the wet side. And I managed to clear the scuttle drain in the ageing Clio.

The trees downed in the recent weather are estimated at 14 MILLION - 200,000 acres of pine forest flattened in the Veneto. For comparison didn't the Great Storm of 1987 in the UK topple 15 million trees?

Gathered a couple of big boxes of green tomotaoes.

Thank you for all the recent comments. I used to religiously reply to all. Most of the time these days I am blipping from the phone and it all just gets to fiddly. But thank you again, they are very much appreciated .

The US mid-terms do feel existential. Here's hoping for a Democrat majority in the House.

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