.....Santa Claus is coming.......

In fact He's already here in Manchester!

The Boss, the Daughter and I went into town tonight to the Christmas Markets....good move....it wasn't jam packed like it normally is at the weekend.

A bit of a wander to take in the lights etc.....a few photographs.....then a foot long spicy bratwurst to fortify us for some serious shopping.

The bargain £10 bag of German sausage for us......smoked cheese.....pork pies to die for......chocolate covered strawberry skewer for the Daughter...... French sausage bargain bag for the S & H........ and Dutch coconut macaroons for the Boss.
Christmas present for the Boss (she knows what it is)......Christmas presents for the sis and the niece....birthday present for the niece....a new ear-ring for me......Christmas present for the brother-in-law (from Mr.Garlic......hebs will know what it is)........pair of gloves for the Boss (her hands were cold , bless her.).....and a Christmas present for the Boss' step mother.

A gluhwein and a steak burger with chilli sauce....and back home for a much needed coffee.

I suppose that's it now....we've given in to Christmas...it'll be a spell of buying for the next month.....cards to write....visits to make...presents to wrap.....Christmas songs in the car....lights, decorations and tree to put up (not for a while yet).....I love it............bring on the snow!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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