
By DancingAly

One Of Those Days....

No major dramas, but just one of those days where everybody wants a piece if you! I am beyond tired, yet still not managing to get to bed much before midnight, and then thinking I'll feel great when the alarms starts screeching at 6.30. It doesn't feel good! One bright spot is popping home at lunch, mostly for convenience, but also to see my favourite baby dog :-) As I looked into his huge brown eyes, and nuzzled his ears, and kissed his head, the trivia of the morning instantly dissipated. A year ago I was a dog hater, and I am still reminded frequently of how I stood on a chair the day Little B arrived, despite him being about 2 kilos! How things have come full circle.....! Off to bed, got to (try) to get up earlier as I need to start tanning. Blackpool is 3 sleeps away...

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