Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


It’s "just" my water bottle on my bedside table. The world is full of beautiful things that are right under our noses.

Worked at home but feeling very tired most of the day, difficult to focus.

Had a new cleaner start - lovely Polish woman with a passion for dance and therapies. She passed the cat test as well as the cleaning test.

My exercise was to go to Morrison’s where they have a Doddle facility that you can use to send parcels back to Amazon. But it wasn’t very exciting, or very long as walks go and Morrison’s is always a bit depressing for some reason. I think it’s where Dementors go to shop, it just sucks the joy out of you. I even googled "why is Morrison’s so depressing?" and found it had come bottom of a poll of consumer experience - down there with the now defunct Poundland and the perennially ghastly WH Smith. I mean, has that place changed at all in 50 years?

More positively: The Dizzle and TSM had the day off to explore the west end and had quite a lovely time by all accounts. I watched an old Doctor Who Christmas special which was quite good fun (thanks to Nick Frost)...

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