Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mr Beanie

New hat and scarf. Winter is coming.

The Yoga Mama got off to Australia ok after a difficult day yesterday. Hoping she has a good trip.

Very busy day at work. Energy levels up and down like a yo-yo. Unusually for me they were better in the afternoon than in the morning.

Overheard a bizarre conversation in Boz about what to do with an over-supply of beetroot. Apparently there is a Polish restaurant in Hounslow that will take it off your hands. You never know when a piece of information like that will come in useful.

Forgot my keys but Mystic Em was at home and let me in, rather sheepishly confessing that it was the first time she had been downstairs that day. I think her and The Dizzle are on a GameOfThronesathon if the sound of dragons coming from the bedroom is anything to go by.

Did make two rather good curries but it was the Yau sauce that has to take the credit. Did one satay tofu and one aubergine katsu - https://www.yausfood.co.uk

Shattered now. As in falling asleep in bed at 8.30. Will be better tomorrow.

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