Choose Joy

By Energia

Long slog

Tonight there were protests held in large and small cities around the country to protect the Mueller investigation. Mueller is the man investigating collusion with the Russians into Trump's election. The first step to firing Mueller was to fire Sessions. Sessions is an evil little elf but he had to recuse himself from all matters related to the investigation because he was caught in a lie to the Senate during confirmation hearings about his interactions with Russians. Next Trump replaced Sessions with someone who has stated he plans to end the investigation. 

I was 0.3 during the whole Nixon thing (not intended as a statement of fact). I wasn't around when soldiers shot college students and there were riots and young men were drafted and shipped to war and despite all the efforts and protests - Nixon was elected. I recognize that this must have felt worse than this feels now. I spoke with a woman tonight who agreed that what Nixon did seems almost laughable in comparison to what Trump is doing - but that once Republicans were presented with irrefutable evidence (the tapes) they were going to impeach him. 

Since the election two years ago I've been trying to learn how to tape things as my contribution to the resistance. Tonight I taped the protest in my town and am trying to put together a quick video. Naturally everything has to be more effort than it should be. Still, I plan to do a quick edit and have a video before I go to sleep.

With all the marching we are all doing we should be very healthy, but we are matching it with stress eating so it all evens out. 

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