To market

Can Tho is becoming a tourist destination. The attraction is a floating market. This morning the woman I was there with and I went to the market and rented a boat. By the time we left one third of the boats were tourists. 

I took pictures of women who struck me as strong, in their activity or their posture. 

I bought olives from a woman I swear sounds just like Lily Tomlin. It might help that she was trying to get us to buy, and buy more, with humor and insistence. 

I accepted the new job. I resigned. I grieved and fretted. Then I remembered, before getting on the flight to Hanoi, that the new boss chose me because he likes me. He had other people apply. He hired me immediately. By the time the plane landed I was feeling much better. 

I’ve never resigned by email before. It felt a little like what dumping someone by text might feel like. Still, it was the only way to begin the new job close to when my new boss would like me there and still provide at least two weeks notice. So now I’ve resigned by email but given one month’s notice.

My new hotel room is over the top. Also, the night view is insane. I’m looking at a building that has a light show streaming down the entire side of the building. Taking a picture was difficult because if you do long exposure on constantly moving was a good learning opportunity. I think I can composite a very short exposure of that building with a long exposure of the rest. But wait, there’s more. There were light strobes into the sky. Someone was having a dance party. I captured it...but couldn’t capture it like it really looked, with the streams of light going far into the sky. Finally, I got to test, for the first time, my light pollution cutting filter. IT WORKS. It works really well. Without the filter the long exposure night sky was completely orange. 

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