A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Brain fog

I'm blaming the after teaching high. I just couldn't go to bed last night, and felt like a lush all day. Lea tried to lure me to the table, and I did manage to work a bit, but I certainly wasn't my most efficient self!

One of my dearest friends is a professor in a big university. In order to have time for his research, he has, for years, condensed his teaching as much as possible in one semester a year. I always thought he had to be crazy: he would end up with a 3-class day, which meant 9 hours of teaching. But it worked for him.
Now, he is a bit of a hero to me: teaching that intensively (and he isn't the sitting-at-a-desk-mumbling teacher type either) is sort of the iron man version of teaching. I'm not there yet...!

(I started this wonderful blip adventure a year ago, inspired by my friend Juliette and her journal. I had wished to post every day, but life happened, and death, and wonderful and sad adventures. Throughout the year, however, I have enjoyed this community, your comments and pictures, and the "pressure" to sum up my day in one picture. I've been a bit lazy the last few months, leaving the real camera behind and using the iphone camera instead, but in a way, that's an even greater challenge... And I look forward to even more blip in the months to come!)

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