Variations in Style

Despite wishing otherwise, it's hard not to feel the teensiest bit sorry for yourself when the sun is shining, it's cold in a pleasant wintry way, your other half is tramping over hills without a care in the world, and you are multitasking at home, shopping, defrosting the freezer, sorting out Christmas cards and wrapping, hopefully, the last of the Christmas presents.

I have to confess defrosting freezers seems to have fallen to me ever since freezers came into existence, although I expect his Lordship will claim otherwise.
Barring cleaning an oven, this is the most horrible task to do, as far as I'm concerned. I confess it doesn't help that this is the first time in two years that it has been done, and the build up of ice inside its whiter than white doors was something akin to the Arctic, but with no global warming at work until I came along with my pans of boiling water.

With these chores accomplished, I am ignoring the fact that the sun is showing up my dirty windows, and yes I know the powers that be clean the outsides, but unfortunately, it's the insides that are in need of help.

'Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof'.

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