The Wheels Keep Turning

Notes on this Thursday:

Sunny but icy cold.
Salt sprinkled liberally on the pavements outside: I do hope we have it rationed to last all winter.

A shopping trip to get two dinners and wine for £20 at M&S
Why is the shop so quiet?
Because you can only buy the wine after 10am and it's 9:30am
The early bird hasn't got the worm today.
Elderflower Presse will have to do
I'm happy, his Lordship not so.

I admire the hub cap on the car beside us
Why is one wheel nut the odd one out?
Nissan have just won my gold award for attractive hub caps.
I have thought in the past to do a photographic collection of different hubcaps
I find the different designs intriguing
I imagine that's why they get nicked unless securely fastened.
It has happened to us in the past.

Home to unpack the shopping.
Fifteen crows peck at the grass outside the window.
Alfred Hitchcock comes to mind.

The sun streaming in the window makes me draw the blind in order to see the computer screen.
How strangely welcome is that in water logged Britain a day short of December?

An unexpected but very welcome visit from the girl who with her husband bought the old castle from us.
It's 2years and counting since we moved and she's invited us back to see our old house.
Will I be sad to see the renovated place I called home for 30 years?

She knows the folk in Blipcentral through her work in public relations.
A very small world indeed.

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