Wednesday morning


inside considering
looking out

light and likeness
looking back

I filled the feeders this morning. The birds were so hungry yesterday, cold weather and wet snowy rain brought many out of the woods. I watched a doe walking in the leaves behind the stonewall, making her way back towards my brothers house. Her soft brown coloring blended perfectly with her surroundings. Her tail, a lovely brown and white flag gave her away finally. The birds were slow to return this morning, of course Nelson was at the door immediately when he saw me coming out, but the birds took longer. When they returned, the backyard and feeders were humming with jays, a Carolina Wren , a bright cardinal pair, woodpeckers of several varieties, sparrows, tufted titmice, juncos, nuthatches and the ever present chickadees. Waking up to wildlife is wonderful.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and icy, it's cleared a bit, with perhaps more snow on the way.

My Monday coffee-mates are safely home in Iceland. After reading H's morning email I imagine they are sleeping and hugging their boy.

G will come home with T tonight for our Wednesday Night Supper Club. When he and his sister were children, they went to my parent's house one night a week for what my mother called, Candlelight Dinner. They ate in the dining room by candlelight while my mother held court. We'll have a candle or two tonight for Gumma and Grandpa, just for old times sake.

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