I Just Can’t Help Myself.......

...To go into some sort of post processing....I am enjoying it.
Although to be fair not as much as I enjoyed taking this photo.
It was really windy on the beach but it was so fabulous to be there with the kids.
Beetle managed to show us some new flurries and slides in the wet sand which made us laugh our heads off...Flynnie collected stuff off of the rocks and explored rock pools and rounded up a huge amount of tumble weeds for his mum to spray paint for some Christmassy type thing.
We talked about the C word on the way home and got nervous about how fast it’s approaching....we are usually pretty unorganised for the Crimble holidays...not like someone I know who has it all organised by now......you know who you are dontcha P.
Feeling a bit more settled today from the fallout of the last couple of days.

Oh I thought I would put in a couple of extras of the boy...just because I can.

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