Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

More projects

After spending the day in the garden yesterday, we planned to go out for a walk today.  The forecast on my phone said just 10% chance of rain.  But on waking, we found it was tipping it down.  And although that has now stopped, it then blew hard for a few hours.

It's all calmed down now, but too late for any useful outdoor activity.  Instead, W is making plate racks in his workshop - I hope to be able to blip the final result in the near future.  And I spent a few hours finishing some more needlework projects. 

The angels were sewn by mum, and have been in my box of unfinished projects since she died.  And the fantasy castle kit was bought by me many years ago as a small project to take on holiday, only to discover that it was incredibly detailed and complicated - many of the stiches were done with one strand of one colour, one of another.  Almost no simple blocks of one colour.  And to cap it all, stitched on 18 hole to the inch canvas, so really small stitches.  Not a good holiday project, so unsurprisingly, it was put away for another day!  

I finally got it finished a couple of weeks ago.  The only good thing about it was that it fits a standard sized photo frame.  So today, I stretched it into this ready made frame.

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