
By bananablip

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

A beautiful and poignant service at church this morning. Elgar's Nimrod being played on the organ before the service and a lone trumpet playing the Last Post brought a tear to the eye and a lump to the throat. Whatever we believe about war, the memories of the brave soldiers who fought in such horrendous circumstances must be remembered.

After church I made the most of the stunning weather and did a practice run for the Telford 10km. I felt good and that long held record is looking within reach of being smashed. Especially as training takes place on hills and Telford is flat.

Then SS and I decided to go and gaze at the Autumn colours up Earl's Hill in Pontesbury. It was as spectacular as we'd imagined and it was nice to watch the sun set and to ponder the day.

Then onto the Quarry to see the light and sound display at the War Memorial. There was red light bathing the statue of St Michael and various sound posts around it. Each post represented a month of the year of the First World War and names of the Shropshire men who died during that month of the war were read out.

A day of remembering the past and enjoying the present.

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