To protect and serve

Previously I would find myself at work with a variety of princess related objects, well done badges, drawings of rabbits, Disney characters, rubbers, the debris of childhood forgetfulness.

This is changing however. We are moving into hitherto unknown territories, a variety of vehicles and today who did I find parked in my pocket this lunchtime but, the parking attendants.

For our duty is to protect and serve to pickup and place in the mobile third drawer down, to wipe noses with emergency tissues from back pocket, mothers and fathers of the world, may your pockets forever be filled with the items which should not have been taken to school in the first place. Oh carriers of the random object which can cause tears if forgotten, carry it with pride and with a weight against your chest probably in the knowledge that, someone probably did it for you when you were young. Guardians of the landfill, I salute you.


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