Rain didn't stop play

The problem with being half Labrador and half Lurcher is that the Labr part of me is desperate to get really wet, while the urcher really wants to keep dry.

If the last blip of me showed my Labrador Head then this is my Labrurcher body.

My human bean took me to the local park today for a run because it is so muddy in the fields at home but she didn't realise it would be so wet.

It was perfect for me, first I ran extremely fast round the edges of the new lake chasing confused seagulls, then I ran INTO the lake - and I realised I could run ON water and I didn't have to swim at all, which I hate.

Within a few minutes there was an audience of dogs with their human beans watching me, some with cameras, so I ran on water even faster while carrying a stick.

My human bean's camera didn't cope very well with the rain and the dull light and my speed, but I like this one almost as much as the one of just my tail as I sped out of shot.

You'd laugh at the state of her car - she didn't think to take a towel.

Location: Gadebridge Park, Hemel Hempstead, where the rive Gade has burst it's banks.

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