Wasdale (Day 1291)

For a Saturday, it has been a busy old day. After the morning woofer wander, my beautiful wife made for town and a shift at work. I was soon following her with a customer to see about the possibility of doing a bit of work. Having looked at what she wants to have done, I had to tell it just isn't possible. On the way home, I stopped off to collect some bits I needed to do a job in our house. 
There was enough time at home to put new radiator on the wall before taking the woofers off for a wander at Wasdale where the sky was fairly dramatic. I dropped the dogs off at home and headed for Evie to sort out a leak which had been caused by a rat chewing through a pipe, returning home later to continue with my radiator piping and moving. By the time HV came home from work, I was nearly finished, and spurred on by the promise of a curry. 
We now have two new radiators fitted and working, full bellies after a grand curry, and an evening of watching films planned.
It has been a good day. 

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