Showers (Day 1655)

The plan today was to spend more time riding and dog walking, but we woke to rain showers. After wandering the woofers up the hill, I set about to tinkering with the truck. The previous owner had broken a sensor off the bottom of the fuel filter, so I changed the filter and sensor. I also took off the EGR valve and have it a good old clean out. I had hoped that doing so would clear the fault which makes the engine management light come on but it seems not. Maybe it needs a new turbo after all.
After cleaning up and having lunch with  my beautiful wife, we took the woofers to Lyde for a wander where we were caught in a couple of showers.
After the dogs were cleaned and dried, we dropped them off at Mum and Dad's whilst we went and checked on the hosses. The view from the yard was fantastic and worth a blip.
Now we are drinking coffee with Mum and Dad before we all tuck in to a roast dinner.

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